Burn Journal


Welcome to Burn Journal!

This is a self-destructing encrypted journaling application.

Maybe, like me, you get up in the morning with a lot of nonsense rattling around in your head that you'd like to dump so you can get on with your day.

Burn Journal entries auto-delete after 7 days so that, while you have a week to salvage anything you consider valuable from your journal entries (to save elsewhere - there is no mechanism in Burn Journal to preserve entries beyond their week-long existence), you don't accumulate more digital clutter over time.

Burn Journal entries are read-only which you can equate to writing in pen in a paper journal.  And your entries are encrypted with a key that is generated in-part by your password, so as long as you choose a unique and strong password, what you write remains private, like in a traditional journal.

If this sounds interesting and you'd like to support an independent business, please sign up and try it out.

You'll start with a 14-day free trial after which you will be prompted by the system to pay your first month's subscription fee ($12/month, prepaid).  If you choose not to purchase a subscription your account will be deactivated and eventually deleted unless you return and activate your subscription.  You can cancel your subscription each month prior to its renewal (you will be reminded both a week and a day prior to your credit card being charged).

The aim is to provide a service to those who find it useful, not try to convince everyone that they will find it useful, so, if this is not for you, no worries. :)

Still intrigued?  Press the "Get Started" button to begin your free trial!

Hold on a sec, I have more questions!